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hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站科技:关于以现金收购山东清华康利城市照明研究设计院有限公司100%股权的公告

2017年11月2日,深圳市hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站科技股份有限公司(以下简称“hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站科技”)发布《关于以现金收购山东清华康利城市照明研究设计院有限公司100%股权的公告》,公告显示,hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站科技拟以自有资金、银行贷款等方式以人民币25,300万元受让山东清华康利城市照明研究设计院有限公司(以下简称“清华康利”)100%股权。本次股权转让完成后,hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站科技将持有清华康利100%的股权,清华康利将成为hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站科技的全资子公司。

清华康利的股东向hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站科技承诺,清华康利2018、2019、2020年度实现经审计的扣除非经常性损益后的净利润分别不低于4,100万元、5,100万元、6,000万元。若清华康利2018、2019年度任一年未达到当年承诺利润的90%(含)、2020年未达到承诺利润的100%(含),原股权转让方须向hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站科技进行现金补偿。



收购清华康利100%股权,是hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站科技在景观照明领域的重要布局。随着地方政府对“夜游经济”建设需求提升,城市景观亮化市场规模持续扩大,景观照明、文旅特色灯光市场前景广阔,清华康利兼备城市景观照明规划、设计、工程施工业务并且资产资质齐全,将有助于hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站科技进一步加深在景观照明领域和文旅照明业务的布局,开辟业绩新增长点,亦能与hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站科技现有的道路照明、智慧路灯、高端商用照明(爱加照明)等业务形成协同效应,构建泛照明生态产业链,增强hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站科技的综合竞争力。

An Announcement Regarding Shenzhen Unilumin Group Co. Ltd. Acquiring100% Stock of Shandong Qinghua-Kangli Urban Lighting Research And Design Institute Ltd.  

Shenzhen Unilumin Group Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Unilumin)is going to acquire 100% stock of Shandong Qinghua-Kangli Urban Lighting Research And Design Institute Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Qinghua-Kangli)on November 2nd, 2017 with 253 million RMB of Unilumin’s internal capital and bank loans. After the completion of the stock transfer, Unilumin will hold 100% stock of Qinghua-Kangli and Qinghua-Kangli will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Unilumin.

Qinghua-Kangli is an enterprise engaged in lighting engineering. As an enterprise devoted to urban planning, lighting design and lighting engineering construction, Qinghua-Kangli holds the C-grade qualification of Urban Planning granted by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the PRC, the first-grade qualification of Lighting Engineering Design,the first-grade qualification of Professional Contract of Urban and Road Lighting Engineering, the first-grade qualification of Environmental Art Design and the first-grade qualification of Overall Contract of Environmental Art.

So far, Qinghua-Kangli has completed hundreds of large-scale landscape lighting design and engineering projects nationwide, including lighting projects and renovation projects on urban nightscape, garden, square, commercial street and so on. Such as designs for Jinan urban lighting planning and Shenyang landscape lighting's transformation planning etc. Because of its excellent ability in design and construction, Qinghua-Kangli has received many reputations and recognized awards.

The business scope of Qinghua-Kangli includes planning, design and construction of urban landscape lighting. Unilumin’s acquisition is conductive to its layout in landscape lighting and can also enhance its overall competitiveness as a synergistic effect and can be formed in Unilumin’s existing road lighting and intelligent street lamp business.

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